Monday, January 21, 2008

The world markets reels from Recession fears!

It is that time of the year when we all get to eat the 'humble crow' and tell all the pessimists that they were right all the time and that recession is indeed setting in. The Bush administration thought that they could hold the recession at bay with their stimulus plan and it seems to have backfired miserably.

The unveiling of the plan sent many an investor running for the hills. Lets face it, even if Bush had managed to come with a fantastic plan, the current one is not that bad, even then, it would just not be enough. Once the financial markets decide to recede, there is nothing much anyone can do but to bite ones teeth and go for the ride! That is all about what one can do at times like these!

With the Fed cutting rates at the drop of the hat, the Dollar is taking quite a beating across all of the world markets. What is more, with the Dollar no longer supporting the Oil, the prices are shooting up day by day. And the only good thing that is there for the investors to invest in, what seems to be the safest bet of all is none other than the famous 'yellow metal'. So, if you are an investor, this is where you should be heading!

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