Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Wall street mirage!

It seems that the Wall street seems to have gained as a result of the Beige book,the report by the Fed indicating that the economy may have slowed down a little but that is a natural process and that the recession has not yet come to haunt the Wall street. Most of the newspapers and the periodicals seem to go about saying that the Wall street rebounded sharply, but that was not the case.
The Wall street did rebound but not as sharply as one would have liked it to. There is some momentum in the market but that is only to be expected and it is the Fed report that is giving this market some buoyancy and not the market itself. What is more, this momentum may be nothing more of a mirage and that the dark days may come sooner than later.
I probably sound like a doomsday prophet, but the fact of the matter is that the sub prime crisis and the mortgage issues have not yet disappeared and that the unemployment rate is bound to sharply increase in the coming months. So to actually say that the Wall street is not going to be affected is kind of behaving like an Ostrich burying its head in the sand.

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