Friday, January 25, 2008

Hedge funds all set to rock wall street!

With rumors flying thick and fast, the investors are running for cover, just as the animals that know an earthquake is about to hit, make it for the hills. The rumor mills are obviously working overtime and just when we all thought that the worst has come and gone and that it is all uphill from now on, bang! Hedge fund problems start running the markets to the ground and even lower.

The day that we let rumors of the Hedge fund affect the market is the day that we have lost all reason and are grappling with straws. One such straw may be the Microsoft profits but that seems to apply only to the Tech sector. As it is the profits and leads that the Wall street may have made are disappearing into thin air. It is high time that we all take stick of the situation and take some measures to see to it that Hedge funds and the likes of it does not affect the market in the future!

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