Monday, January 21, 2008

2008: The best companies to work for!

Well, there is a list of the best companies to work for, in this year, and I have to say that half of the list has been influenced by the shifting Economic woes that most of the world are facing right now.
Naturally some of the top companies to work for this year would be the loans dept since most of us would be applying for loans one way or the other. The list is given below and nearly half of them are in the development phase, that is they are looking to hiring some more people, so good luck!
1. Google

2. Quicken Loans

3. Wegmans Food Markets

4. Edward Jones

5. Genentech

6. Cisco Systems

7. Starbucks

8. Qualcomm

9. Goldman Sachs

10. Methodist Hospital System

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