Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Industry goes flat as the U.S economy tries to ride out the blizzard!

The industrial output for the month of December remained flat in spite of the best efforts of the Fed to cajole the economy to start running again. It seems that people no loner want to purchase with the same fervor as they used to before. And on top of this, we get reports that the inflation is at its highest in the last 17 years. That is not really a surprise, with the energy prices shooting up to the roof, it was only a matter of time before the food and other essential items started soaring up.
One of the things about the energy prices was that every time it went up so did the essential commodities. Anyway, with the economy trying to ride out the blizzard that seems to be blowing, the last thing that they needed was another bit if bad news. It seems that is just about the only thing that we are getting these days!

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