Sunday, January 13, 2008

The start of the Audio ads!

Until now, all the websites or most of them anyway, sported ads from one or the other ad companies. As it is, the ads used to appear on the right hand side of the web page. We used to earn a little bit every time one of our visitors clicked on the ad, the rate of payment differed from ad to ad.

Well, all that is passe now. These are the times for the new wave of ads called the audio ads.This is how the ads work, you sign up your site first and then anytime a visitor visits your site, he or she will hear a 5 second ad for a company like say, Taco Bell and this way both your visitor and yourself will earn a commission.
This is the new way to make money from your site and these days we all need all the help to make some good amount of money from your site.

The great thing about this is that this is a fairly new idea and as such, there will be a lot of visitors who will be popping in just to check out the ads. This way, you can get a good amount of traffic to your site and at the same time earn money by way of the next generation of ads. With the help of the next gen of ads, you can make your traffic count and literally earn from every visitor. So, check it out by clicking the link above!

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