Thursday, May 24, 2007

You are a lottery winner!

there are so many of us who have received this email telling us that we have won a lottery of so many million Euro's and asking us to claim it within ten days or so.they will generally ask us to call them at a certain number.and when we do that,the person on the other end,probably the scamster will ask us either for confidential bank account numbers or ask us to send him some money to pay for transit charges or so.
when we pay the transit charges that will be the end of it.we may as well say goodbye to our money at this stage.and even if we report this to the authorities,the scamster would have already deactivated that phone or thrown it away,thereby making it impossible to track him/her down.this is another one of those scams that many pople fall for.people please rememebr that if you had not bought a lottery ticket and entered into a lottery,then how on earth can you be declared a winner?there is just no such thing as a free beware of such emails!delete them right away!

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