Thursday, May 24, 2007


Phishing,i guess the name takes after 'fishing' because that is what it is really all for information about you,your bank acounts,your paypal details,or any of your personal information.when it comes to scams,most if not all scams relay on one common factor,and that is human greed.we all love to receive free money but we all must remember that there is no such thing as a free lunch.not now,not ever!
Phishing generally is in the form of an email addressed to you and it may look like it is coming from a reputed company or something like that.the email in quesiton will say that you either have money in your account or that your account needs to be corrected or that you need to enter your bank details and so forth and such emails will give you a link and they will say that you must click on the link to login.say you have a paypal account,a phoshing email will ask you to login from that email itself with the link it would have provided.and when you do that,you will end up going to a site that will look like the paypal site but in reality it is asite set up by the scamster so as to get your paypal password.andonce you do that,you may as well say goodbye to the monies you have in your paypal to avoid being caught by such 'phishing' scams,always open a fresh browser and then log in!it pays to be carefu and more so in the virtual world of the Internet!

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