Thursday, May 24, 2007

Internet fallacy!

This is indeed the age of the internat and what most of us seem to take for granted is that there will always be some storage space for our data.but what most of us do not realise is that we are fast accumulating data,useless bits and bytes of information and that we are indeed running out of space to store this useless data.for example,lets take our email inboxes,how many spam mails do we all we delete or report them,no,we do not.we do not do any of those because we are all getting a bit too what happens to it is that our email providers store the spam,treat it as an important mail and thereby are wasting valuable storage the near and not too distant future,space is going to be a premium.we will end up actually paying email providers to sore useless bits of data.if all the cyber data were to be made into a string it would probably streach from earth all the way to the 'oort cloud'.
this is indeed the new age ladies and gentlemen,when we are not only running out of real space[due to population] but we are also fast running out of cyber space as well!

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