Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wall street - Shaken but not stirred yet!

There did not seem to be much momentum in the markets today as the investors did not know how to react to the good news and the bad news. To say that the financial news was mixed would be an understatement of sorts, and naturally this threw the dealers and the investors into a loop. Although the markets had a nice momentum yesterday but that seems to be a flash in the pan now.
With big brokerage houses like E*TRADE being hauled over the coals for shoddy business practises, the financial market is being shaken from all sides. As to the future momentum, it all remains to be seen. There are rumors doing the rounds that the retail and the real estate markets are going to improve drastically but I would much rather take such rumors with a heavy dose of salt as these are the same people who told us that the credit crisis is nothing much to worry about!

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