Sunday, November 4, 2007

ATM cards and the high charges!

ATM cards often charge you a service charge for withdrawing money from an ATM. Normally if it has been issued by a local bank and you use the bank's ATM machine to do this, the cost is either minimal or non existent. But say you are using an international ATM card, one that would probably come in handy while you travel, the cost of withdrawing your money from an ATM can be anywhere from just 4-5$ to even as high as 10$.
This is total highway robbery, I do not see why they should charge me so much for the privilege of just withdrawing my money from the ATM. And god help me if I were to use the same ATM card to just purchase something from some shop, such transactions called POS make the service charge go up even higher. This is total highway robbery and there should be some sort of regulation covering these issues. One would think that since the cards have been in existence for so long that there would be some sort of an international regulation covering all these, but sadly there is not. That means that we are all left to the mercy of the banks to charge us what they please and god help us!

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