Sunday, June 3, 2007

Safety costs less!

We often tend to take our safety fro granted especially when we work in an industrial environment.but we should all remember that if there is one thing that we MUST not take for granted then it is our safety.this site for industrial safety really has a neat design and what i really like is the well detailed aq as well as the link to other safety sites.lets talk a little about the products,shall we?
All miners need Hard Hats,and these hats haveprotected so many the 17th and 18th centuries,they did not have such tough 'hard hats' as the miners of today have.imagine a small piece of rock falling from a height of 1770 ft and crashing onto your head.if your head had not been protected,well,you would be history.
Naturally since this is an industrial safety equipment site,we would have googles here.
Safety Goggles protect our eyes from all those red hot sparks that one encounters especially when one works in say a 'foundry'.the eyes would stay well protected behind such glasses.and this site offers some neat safety should check them out.
And naturally when we talk of safety,the First Aid Kits cannot be far behind.this site showcases some great first aid kits as well as carrybags.all in all as far as industrial safety equipment goes by,this site certianly does live up to its first!

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