Monday, June 18, 2007

EGOLD how safe is it?

Egold is a payment option by which we may choose to either make payment or receive payment for any online activities.Egold is actually quite consumer friendly and the value of money in your account actually relates to the price of the gold this may fluctuate but not that much.anyone can open an account and you can do so by following the link above.egold is also very secure and they use encryption methods for their clients.all that said of late,many scamsters are using the Egold's 'no information' policy to scam many people out of their funds.
Egold currently has a policy of not giving out any information of any sort regarding their customers,so if you have an account with Egold then any information you provide is kept safely.but this means that anyone who scams us and has an egold account we cannot get any information on him/ if you come across any site that only offers Egold as a payment option and no other payment option then chances are high that that site is fake/ watch out for sites like that.that said,however,Egold by itself is an attractive payment option and i do use it but only if a site offers other payment options as well ion addition to Egold!

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