Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Lottery scam! beware!

We all like to have a free lunch but the truth is that there is no such thing as a free lunch.there are may scamsters online and they all try their best to take undue advantage of us all.the lottery scam is one such scam.you may receive an email one day telling you that you have won a lottery and that email will ask you to contact a person whose number would have been given on that email.you will call up that person thinking that since you were able to reach him/her on the phone therefore this must the the real thing.and that person will tell you that in order to claim your millions of dollars of prize money you must send across some money to them to cover the transfer charges so that they can wire the money t0o your account.you think that you are going to be a millionaire and you would end up sending the required money which may be 200$ onwards.but then the scamster strikes.once they have gotten your money that is the last you will hear of him/her.your money is as good as gone.and even if you report this to the authorities and they try to trace the telephone number given in the email,they will soon find out that either it was a temp number or that the number is no longer in use.this is the 'lottery' scam ladies and gentlemen.please remember the following.
1.you cannot win a lottery without entering one
2.lottery companies more often than not contact their winners personally
3.no lottery company will ask you to pay any service charge/transfer charge
4.lottery company winnings can generally be viewed online .so use that to confirm whatever the email says.
5.there is indeed no such thing as a free lunch!

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