Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Hollywood march for the striking writers!

The season to be merry is almost here and yet the strike by the writers still drags on. There is no light at the end of this tunnel and both the sides are sticking firm to their positions. The problem is that this strike by the writers guild is now affecting other parts of the Hollywood industry as well.
As the strike goes on, the pressure on both sides to resolve this is only going to increase. At least, an estimated 350 million $ has already been lost as a result of this strike and many a show had to cancel, thereby closing up the job opps that may be there in the market for all .

It is not only the writers who are being affected by this strike, but the carpenters,the light boys and on and on. The entire production teams are being held hostage to the fact that the big production houses do not want to share anything with anyone! it is going to be one bleak Xmas!

strike,united states,teacher,hollywood,movies,entertainment,writers


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