Sunday, August 5, 2007

India outdoes the U.S and Japan by 2050!!!

Well it is common news that India's economy is surging ahead with more and more investment pouring form overseas.according to a new study,it clearly shows that India's economy will outstrip the United states and Japan by 2050 with a much more optimistic date put for 2030.
India needs to do a lot more as regards transparency and infrastructure development.but the good news,well,i should say,what is shocking experts world over is that while China had to invest more in infrastructure,be more transparent in business dealings and had to spend more on training its citizens,India spent very little on infrastructure[compared to China],still has problems with transparent business dealings and yet managed to provide quality work that turns to be better than the work provided by China.this has caused many people to take a very close look at their readings and it seems that the Two giants of Asia are in the race for the top global power.
Be that as it may,come 2050,the BRIC economies that includes Brazil,Russia,India and China will outstrip their American and European counterparts in GDP!something to much about,right?

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