Saturday, August 4, 2007

All about skin and fairness!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder,thats all great but we truly epitomise it.nowdays women have makeup to look as though they are not wearing any,talk about paradox!anyway Procter and Gamble have decided that Indian skin market,by that i mean all the beauty creams and so on,is too lucrative an opportunity to they have decided to enter the market in a big way.
For every Indian woman and Man as well,nowdays it has become an obsession to look as 'fair and lovely' as they can.each and every year so many teenagers and young adults alike spend so much money on skin care products that many experts feel that the market has not been fully tapped on as such.obviously the same people have advised P & G,because they have now made the erstwhile decision to enter Rs 2,100-crore skincare market in India good luck to them!

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