Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Too many offers!

There are some websites on the net that offer to pay money to its members for completing certain offers.there are some genuine sites like www.gptreasure.com and www.getpaidtonight.com that do this.but there are a lot of spam websites that do this and in the end do not pay their members.so watch out.in my personal experience it is better to trust a site that is a verified paypal seller than a site that only offers e-gold as a payment option.
Also the offers that you do,most of them require a credit card.so be careful.when attempting such offers,please remember to cancel the offer at the end of the trial period otherwise you will be charged the full membership fee.there are also offers that do not require this buit such offers are too few.so when you join sites like these always do some research into it.it pays to be carefull.

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