Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Idea cell goes bokners!

The cellular race is hotting up in the Indian subcontinent.Idea cellular recently reported a 259% increase in its net profit for the first quarter ending June 2007.with more and more middle class citizens becoming all the more affluent day by day in India,it is no wonder that most of the top companies are fast making a beeline to sell their products to the Indian shoppers class.they all want a piece of the Indian economy pie.what is more recent reports have come out showing that the Indian middle class is the fastest growing segment in the entire world and it is that very report that has most of the companies salivating right away.
To them,what that means is a golden,nay,diamond opportunity to make mucho dollars.Idea Cellular Limited reported a jump of 259 per cent in its net profit for the first quarter ended June 2007 at Rs 308 crore as compared to the previous corresponding period.Idea ended the quarter with a subscriber base of 16.13 million, adding 2.12 million subscribers during the quarter. The company is awaiting allocation of spectrum to launch operations in the Mumbai and Bihar service areas.with all of this going on,one can only imagine the profits at other cellular companies that have their fingers in the Indian economy pie.like i said.Idea is indeed going bonkers and the other cellular companies are to follow suit very very soon!


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