Saturday, April 12, 2008

Clinton and obama point to Iraq war for the economy woes!

Both the democrat nominees currently in the fray point to the Iraq war as one of the main reasons for the current economy woes that seems to plague America today. Frankly that is just an oversimplification of the problem at hand, if the solution was as simple as that, we would all be so much better off. But the stark reality of the situation is that the war cannot he held to be the main culprit as the reason for the current problems and that the cause lies in the foundations of the current economic policy rather than in the foreign policy sections of the current American administration.
Too much freedom has been applied over a period of time to some of the major financial instruments with the end result being one hand has no idea as to what the other hand has done. This lack of information has led to the current imbroglio and only a correction of certain financial instruments as well as a tightening of the current economic policies is going to make the big bad bear go back to sleep!

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