Monday, February 11, 2008

Yahoo says "thanks but no thanks" to Microsoft!

With the recent unsolicited bid for 40 billion$ and odd, one may have thought that Yahoo would have jumped at the offer and sold the company lock, stock and barrel to Microsoft but then again, one would have been mistaken.

Microsoft is turning more and more into a band aid company ore more like a blob. It just keeps on buying other companies and amalgamating them to Microsoft. With the search engine wars barely started, the pie is divided three ways with the major chunk going to Google.

Yahoo is quite right to say no to Microsoft, as it is in a much more powerful position vis-a vis the search engine when compared to Microsoft. What is more, there is a very good chance that Yahoo can turn out to be more than equal to Google than Microsoft can. There is so much that Yahoo can do and the journey is long, so yeah, Yahoo is right to say 'thanks but no thanks'.

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