Thursday, September 20, 2007

the 'Ripple' effect!

With the feds cutting the rates by 50 basis points,the Indian sensex shot over the 16,000 mark posting the largest intra day gain in quite a while.this was only to be expected and the other Asian markets reacted likewise.most of the currencies rose to new heights against the U.S dollar once the news of this 'cut' hit the markets all except for one.the only currency which did not do so was the Yen and i am sure that the suppression of the Yen by the Japanese government and the Japanese central banks still continue.will this feel good feeling last,probably,at lest for the nest 2 is like a ripple effect,every ripple creating a lot of smaller ripples and they all start from a central point.lets see what the next week brings the economic markets!

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